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Articles & Reports
General Crime Offences
Judicial System Issues
Lenghty Detention without Charge - Mosaab Ramadan
UAE Legal abuse and 'In Absentia' convictions
Priti Patel, MP responds to requests for support from 21 yr old Asa Hutchinson, trapped in Dubai
Case Studies
General Criminal Offences
Sheikha Latifa & Herve Jaubert disappearance [press]
Mohamed Haddad - Business theft & Corruption
Herve Jaubert, Escape from Dubai
Cat Le-Huy, Drug Accusations - Acquitted
Roxanne Hillier, Sex outside Marriage
Charity T-Shirt, Causing Offence
Death Sentence for drugs worth £260
Follow up interview with Shahid Bolsen
Perry Coppins arrested for travelling with prescription medicines [More HERE]
Connor Clements arrested for traces of Sativex, Medical Marijuana
Financial Crimes
Matt Joyce & Marcus Lee v. Sunland (updated)
Peter Margetts, Bounced Cheques
Christopher Renehan, Bounced Cheques
Hunger Strike Over Bounced Cheques
Corrupt customs officials. RAK
Homeless in Dubai due to bank debt
Jonathan Nash Jailed in Qatar for bounced cheques
Richard Lau jailed without charge, for earning his wages
Medical Negligence Law
Jordan Branford. USA Fitness Instructor
Visitors to the UAE risk jail for WhatsApp
Ras Al Khaimah
Richard Lau imprisoned without charge in RAK
A call for support for Richard Lau, imprisoned in RAK for receiving his wages
News & Media - Recent Cases
2 May 2018 UK Narendra Modi signed off ‘capture’ of Dubai princess Sheikha Latifa The Times
1 May UK Indian Prime Minister 'authorised secret operation' to intercept runaway Dubai royal Daily Telegraph
27 April 2018: Business Standards: India returned runaway Dubai princess to protect strategic interests
16 April 2018: PR: Torture and Kidnap victims speak on their and Princess Latifa's Kidnap by Dubai Ruler - Updates following Press Conference
9 April 2018: PR: Detained in Dubai to hold press conference on the case of Latifa Al Maktoum and attack on US yacht
5 April 2018: RT: ‘Free Princess Latifa’: Kim Dotcom joins rescue bid for ‘captive’ UAE royal
29 Mar 2018: PR: UAE, India attacked American vessel on the basis of “Islamic Law”
29 Mar 2018: PR: “Sheikh Mohammed can get you anywhere in the world”, freed UAE hostage Tiina Jauhiainen
27 Mar 2018: PR: Oman puts heroic Frenchman on trial for helping Sheikha Latifa escape ‘years of abuse’
23 Mar 2018: PR: Illegal seizure of the US flagged yacht carrying Sheikha Latifa on bid for asylum must be answered
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