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BOOZE YOU LOSE Footie fans could walk into a booze law trap during the World Cup in Qatar

Pic credit: The Sun


Footie fans could walk into a booze law trap during the World Cup in Qatar, legal expert warns

FOOTBALL fans could walk into a booze law trap during the World Cup in Qatar, a justice campaigner warns.

They could end up in jail because drinking rules in the Arab state are deliberately vague, says Radha Stirling.

And boisterous supporters will make easy pickings for police who target foreigners to rack up arrests and advance their careers, she claims.

She added: “The World Cup has the potential of being the Black Friday of wrongful detentions.”

The legal expert, founder of Detained in Dubai, said she handles thousands of cases a year but expects the number to double this winter.

Ms Stirling said police in the Gulf states were antagonistic and ill-prepared for the chaotic nature of sporting events.

She added: “We are tremendously concerned about everyone’s safety.”

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