Spiteful Emirates NBD seeks revenge on American customer, who is now preparing to take criminal acti
Emirates NBD seeks revenge on American customer. They don’t want his money. They just want him to lose his job. American man preparing...

How Social Media can turn an average person into a UAE Criminal.
Although we have seen numerous arrests over the years relating to cybercrime, the application of this law to social media insults, is...

If you had the same Cybercrime laws in your country, would you be in jail too?
If you had the same Cybercrime laws in your country, would you be in jail too? Emirati man sentenced to three months in prison...

UAE Judiciary signs agreement with bank to freeze accounts over rent defaults in only 2 days
Most people in the UAE, live month to month and have little savings. Their bank accounts can easily be frozen if for example, their...

Forced to celebrate Eid in police detention due to governmental staff holidays
Forced to celebrate Eid in police detention due to governmental staff holidays Numerous unfortunate souls were forced to remain in...

British Citizen who had never visited the UAE was held over MISTAKEN IDENTITY while in transit, trav
British Citizen who had never visited the UAE was held over MISTAKEN IDENTITY while in transit, travel plans ruined. A British Citizen...

Oaktree executive looks to settle with Gulmar after Interpol report & Extradition proceedings.
Oaktree executive Martin Graham may be looking to settle with the Gulmar Offshore Oil Company who alleged he stole $264 million. The...